Our partners & sponsors

We are really proud to name a number of great partners


munich_i is under the patronage of Dr. Markus Söder, MDL, Bavarian Minister-President

Robothon® is under the patronage of Judith Gerlach, MDL, Bavarian State Minister for Digital Affairs, since 2021

Video © Bayerische Staatskanzlei

Our Grand Challenge Jury

We are pleased to name an international top-class jury from science and industry!

The benefits of a sponsorship

  • Inclusion into the Robothon® communication channels
  • Network expansion by connecting with young talents and internationally leading personalities from AI and robotics
  • Logo branding
  • Tickets for our outstanding Hightech Summit and more...

Sponsors can provide prize money, equipment or other services as needed by the event organizers.

Platinum Sponsor: sold!
Gold Sponsor: sold!
Silver Sponsor:
This sponsor package includes unique goodies
Bronze Sponsor: Take the chance and enjoy a special concession - one packages is still available!
Friends Sponsor: Become our friend and join our network

Get in touchany time to learn how to get involved!

Call for sponsors 2023

Sponsors and challenge setters are welcome to get in touch any time.